Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 31.12.2023

Yıl: 2023

Research Articles

Araştırma Makalesi

5. Nano-Clean: Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Via Sol–Gel for Effective Pollutant Removal

Nanoera journal aims to contribute to the international body of knowledge by publishing articles of the highest quality and importance in all fields of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering.

Nanoera is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes articles of the highest quality and importance in all fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. It covers research on the design, characterization, fabrication, and applications of structures, devices, and systems involving the manipulation or control of atomic, molecular, and nanoscale materials, materials and events.

Nanoera Formatting Requirements

Author Guidelines


The article must contain an abstract. The abstract should not be independent and should not contain citations and should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should state the purpose, approach, and results of the study.

The abstract should be clear and complete in itself (no numerical references); should not cite figures, tables, or parts of the article. The abstract should be written in the third person instead of the first person.


This document can be used as a template for Microsoft Word 16.0 or later. Do not submit articles written with an editor other than MS Word, they will not be accepted for review. Save files to be compatible with most MSWord versions (avoid document extensions other than *.doc, *.docx, or *.rtf). Do not submit articles without careful spelling and American English grammar checking. The style in these instructions will set your fonts and line spacing. Mendeley or Endnote etc. If reference software is used, the text must be translated into plain text (without Mendeley fields, plain text) before being sent.

Page layout

An easy way to comply with paper formatting requirements is to use this document as a template and write your text in it.

Your paper should use a page size that corresponds to A4, 21 cm wide and 29.7 cm long. Margins should be set as follows:

top = 1.5 cm

bottom = 1.5 cm

left = 2 cm

right = 1.5 cm

The article should be in the form of two columns with 0.5 cm space between the columns.

The article should have the following structure

Title of the article
Authors and their links
Main body
Page style

All text should be justified, with straight lines on both sides of the paragraph. The text should be hyphenated and not filled with spaces.

Text font of the entire document

The entire document must be in Times New Roman. The font sizes to be used are specified in Table 1.


Font Size




Paper title, justified


level-1 heading, reference heading acknowledgement heading


level-2 heading, left-justified level-3 heading, italicized


author names


Author’s affiliation, centered keywords and article history, italicized

Title and author details

All title and author information should be in a single column and centered.

Only the first word in the title should be capitalized and the other word should be small. Author details should not indicate any professional title (eg General Manager), any academic title (eg Dr.), or membership of any professional organization (eg Senior Member IEEE).

Each link must include, at a minimum, the name of the company and the name of the author's country (eg Causal Productions Pty Ltd, Australia). The e-mail address for the corresponding author is mandatory.

Chapter titles

More than 3 levels should not be used. Other titles should be in 9pt font. Only the first word in the title should be capitalized and the other words should be written in lower case.

Level-1 Heading: Level-1 heading should be left-aligned and numbered with Arabic numerals. Two level-1 headings that should not be numbered are “Acknowledgements” and “Resources”.

Level 2 Heading: Level 2 headings should be left-aligned and numbered with a dot after the Arabic numeral.

3rd Level Heading: 3rd level heading should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

The section should be formatted as left, bold, Times New Roman and 12 pt.

For subsections (left, bold, Times New Roman and 10 pt), the first letter of the first word should be capitalized and similarly for other subsections (left, bold, Times New Roman and 9pt).

Font Size Display (in Time New Roman)

The section should be formatted as left, bold, Times New Roman and 12pt.

The first letter of the first word should be capitalized for the subsection (left, bold, Times New Roman and 10pt) and similarly for the other subsections (left, bold, Times New Roman and 9pt).

Figures and tables

Graphics and other numbered figures should appear as close to where they are mentioned throughout the text as possible. Shapes should not violate page borders.

Figures and tables should be centered in the column. Large shapes and table can be in one column to see them more clearly and not to place them in the middle of the columns. Tables or figures that are more than 1 column wide should be placed at the top or bottom of the page.

Photos should have a minimum of 72 DPI (Dots Per Inch) for fine details to be seen. Elements in any photo can be numbers, letters, etc. should be explained using The text in a shape or photo must have the same style, shape, and height as the caption.

Any table, figure, or picture must have a title (Figure 1, Table1, etc.), followed by an appropriate description. All similar charts must be created using the same software product (Excel, Origin, Mathematica, etc.). Visually transferring graphics (JPG, BMP, PNG, etc.) to the article should be avoided. All similar electronic diagrams, charts, program flow, simulated features, etc. must be created using the same software product. Importing images from other articles or books is strictly prohibited unless quoted and permission is obtained.

Figure captions

Figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals. Figure captions should be in 8-point Normal font. All figure captions should be justified to be flat on both sides.

Table headings

Tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals. Table headings should be centered and in 8pt Normal font. Table numbered headings should be placed before their associated tables as shown in Table 1.

Links and bookmarks

All hypertext links and chapter bookmarks will be removed from articles during the processing of articles for publication. If you need to refer to an Internet email address or URL in your article, you must type the address or URL exactly in Normal font.


Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the article. The equation number is enclosed in parentheses and placed flush like (1). Your equation should be written using Times New Roman font (please do not use any other font). To create multilevel equations, it may be necessary to treat the equation as a graphic and add it to the text after you have determined the style of your article.

Use the same symbol in a description throughout the article. Use the correct symbols for physical or technical terms. (Example: degrees should be oC, not oC.). Do not repeat definitions on the article. Look at predefined symbols, equations, theorems using the cross-reference number (Example: as mentioned in (1)…).

One step before my last post

Detailed submission guidelines can be found on the journal web pages. All authors are responsible for understanding these guidelines before submitting their articles.


In this section, you should present the conclusion of the article. Results should focus on the innovation and exceptional results you achieve. Leave enough space in the article for the results. Do not repeat the content of the Introduction or Summary. Focus on the core elements of your article.


This is a text of acknowledgements. Do not forget people who have assisted you with your work. Do not exaggerate with thanks. If your work has been paid by a Grant, mention the Grant name and number here.

Copyright Notice

The authors keep the copyrights of the published materials with them, but the authors are agreed to give an exclusive license to the publisher that transfers all publishing and commercial exploitation rights to the publisher.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered on this journal site will be used only for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Publication Policy and Ethics

Publishing any material on Nanoera indicates that all its authors accept its content and ensure strict adherence to Nanoera's policies. Failure to comply with these policies may mean that an article fails pre-publication checks and cannot be published.

Authors of posters and slides must ensure that their research and presentation comply with the policies outlined for posters and slides.

1. Originality

All articles submitted to Nanoera must be original; The work, or a large part of it, must not be previously published or currently under review elsewhere. If there is significant overlap with another article, it should be noted in this article and noted at the time of reference. All articles are checked for plagiarism at the time of submission; If explicit plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) is detected, the article will be rejected.

Articles submitted with copyright-infringing content may be rejected if problematic sections cannot be removed.

Authors wishing to reproduce a figure or table from a previous copyrighted publication are obligated to obtain permission from the copyright holders and to explicitly refer to the original source.

2. Publication criteria and authorship

The Nanoera platform was established to facilitate researchers working in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to quickly share their research and facilitate a constructive scientific discussion. The 'validity' of results and data presented in a particular article is the responsibility of the authors and is evaluated by expert reviewers.

However, articles considered for publication in Nanoera must represent scientific studies eligible for official peer review, so only authors with adequate training as researchers in the fields covered by Nanoera can publish.

Publication criteria for research outputs presenting original data and results in the life sciences:

Authors must have a formal affiliation with recognized research or institution (or an organization clearly associated with nanoscience) and have attained a specific research-based qualification (such as a PhD or MD). An author's activities as a researcher within the life sciences should usually be clear from the last record of publication.

For an article to be eligible for publication on Nanoera, at least one author on the article (who must have made a significant contribution to the article) must meet these required criteria.

Life scientists and clinical researchers who wish to submit their research but do not meet our standard authorship criteria will need to be approved by an experienced investigator who meets our authorship criteria. The author(s) should send the name and details of the researcher they have nominated to the publishing office. Any nominated approver will be asked to approve the author(s) expertise as well as the scientific standard of the submission. A statement explaining this will also be included in the published article along with the name and link of the approver.

Publication criteria for research outputs presenting original data and results in the Publishing, Education and Communications section:

For early-career scholars who do not have a publication record in the field, the approval of a more experienced researcher may be possible.

3. Competing interests

Authors should write a 'Competing interests' statement in the text. A competitive interest does not prevent publication but provides full transparency for reviewers and readers. If there are no competing interests to declare, the following standard statement is added: 'No competing interests have been disclosed'.

A competing interest may be of a non-financial or financial nature. Examples of competing interests include (but are not limited to):

Persons who receive funds, salaries or other forms of payment from an organization, or who own stock or shares in a company, who may benefit (or lose) financially from the publication of the findings;

individuals holding (or applying for) the relevant patents or their funding agency or employer;
official links and affiliations with interest groups related to the content of the publication;
conflicting political, religious or ideological interests.
Authors from pharmaceutical companies or other commercial organizations sponsoring clinical trials must declare these as competing interests at the time of submission. Each author's affiliation with such an organization should be described in the 'Competing interests' section. Posts on Nanoera must not contain content advertising any commercial product.

4. Ethical Policies

4.1 Research involving humans

Ethics approval

All studies involving humans (individuals, human data or material) must have been conducted according to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki. All protocols must be approved by the authors' institutional or other relevant ethics committee (Institutional Review Board, IRB) to ensure they meet national and international guidelines. Details of this approval should be provided when submitting an article, including agency, review board name, and authorization number(s).

Ethical approval must be obtained before research is undertaken; Retrospective approval is often not available and publication of the study may not be possible.

Patient privacy and informed consent for publication

It should be noted that case reports are taken in "informed case reports" regardless of the patient's identity. “Patients have a right to privacy that should not be violated without informed consent. Descriptive information should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees unless necessary for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) has provided a written informed case presentation for publication. For this purpose, informed consent requires the patient to be shown the article to be published. When the informed case report is received, it should be stated in the published article.”

Tanımlanabilir verilerin yayınlanması için onay:

If your article contains identifiable images of people, you must include a statement confirming that you have permission to publish these images. If your article contains any clinical images or identifiable data, you must include an explicit consent statement under a separate heading in the 'Consent' section (we suggest: “We certify that we have obtained consent to use [images/data] from participants/patients/individuals in this presentation"). Please also indicate the conditions under which the consent was obtained.

Alternatively, if no consent was required for publication (for example, if the data was anonymized), this should be clearly stated and a note attached confirming that such changes do not impair scientific significance.

Signed consent forms must be submitted to the Nanoera editorial office upon request.

4.2 Animal studies

Animal studies must be conducted in accordance with the Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) guidelines developed by NC3Rs to improve reporting standards and to ensure full review and use of data from animal experiments. Relevant information specified in this guide should be included in the appropriate section of the article.

Experiments involving vertebrates or regulated invertebrates should be conducted within the ethical guidelines provided by the authors' institution and national or international regulations. Where applicable, the ethical statement of permits or animal licenses issued should be included. If animals have been used but ethical approval is not required, a clear statement of why such approval is unnecessary should be included.

4.3 Research involving plants

Studies on plants should be done within the guidelines provided by the authors' institution and national or international regulations. Where applicable, a statement of the permits or licenses granted should be included. Authors must comply with the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

5. Data availability

All articles reporting original results on Nanoera should include the source data underlying the results, along with details of any software used to process the results. It is important for others to be able to see the source data in order to be able to repeat the work and analyze the data and in some cases reuse it. Failure to provide source data for publication without good justification may result in rejection of the article. See our data guides for detailed information on the types of data authors should include when publishing an article on Nanoera, where data can be stored and how they should be presented.

We are aware that there may be situations where explicit data sharing may not be possible (due to ethical or security considerations or data protection issues). If you think this applies to your article, please let the editorial team know at submission, as we have policies that allow the publication of articles associated with such data while maintaining the appropriate level of security.

6. Licences

Nanoera articles are generally published under a CC BY license; This license permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited, and relinquishes the copyright of the article to the existing copyright holder (usually the author or his/her institution). Additional disclaimers are used as appropriate for some government employees.

Data associated with Nanoera articles are provided, where available, under the terms of the Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (Cc0 license). This facilitates and encourages reuse and helps avoid attribution stacking issues when combining multiple datasets written by multiple authors, each using multiple different licenses.

Referee reports published with a specific article are also available under CC BY license.

7. Post-publication peer review

All articles undergo formal peer-review by invited scientific experts who meet our peer-review criteria; These criteria aim to ensure that the referees have sufficient expertise and qualifications to judge the content of the article and that there are no conflicts of interest.

The peer-review process takes place after submission and is guided by the authors, who must recommend the reviewers and decide when and how any criticism submitted by the reviewers will be addressed. Communication with the referees is done by the editorial team on behalf of the authors.

The peer-review process is completely transparent: reviewer names and reports are published alongside the article, and authors' responses to reviewers (or reader comments) are also published for readers to see.

Revisions and updates are released as new versions with clear explanations of the changes made by the authors (in the "Changes" section). Usually, an article receives 2 or 3 referee reports.

7.1 Stopping Peer Review

In some articles that do not receive sufficient referee reports after a long time, referee evaluation may be terminated. As a general rule, authors may choose to withhold peer review if their article has not received any reports after 6 months, or if only 1 report has been received after 9 months. In some cases where the authors are not actively following the Stopping Peer Review, the Nanoera team may add an annotation to the article to warn readers that the article's peer review is not active.

Peer-review of these articles can be reactivated at a later stage at the request of the authors, provided that the article has not been peer-reviewed and published elsewhere during that time.

8. Plagiarism Policy

Nanoera will check for plagiarism for all articles before they are published in the journal. Plagiarism content is reported to the author by the editors, referees or editorial staff during editing or correction at any stage of the publication process and is reported to the author to rewrite the article. Additionally, cases of suspected plagiarism or duplicate publishing are reported. In any case, if the original article submitted has a minimum of 25% plagiarism, the article will be rejected and the author will be notified.
